What we do
What we do
Somalia is characterized by successive years of droughts, harsh climatic conditions and local conflicts and a continuous state of emergency, with women and children bearing the brunt spatially in South–Central Somalia where large displacements are reported
Ravaged by decades of war and famine, almost one third of Somalia’s total population is in urgent need of life-saving assistance until now. The highest priorities for this assistance are water, health, food and education. A devastating drought across East Africa in 2011 killed up to 260,000 people in Somalia alone, half of them children under the age of five. Tens of thousands of people left their homes in search of water and food.
General Service Agency (GSA) is a non-governmental organization relieves the suffering of those affected by war, natural disaster and disease, by providing life-saving assistance focus on access to safe drinking water and improves the sanitation and hygiene of community members, technical education and assist in promoting peace and good governance among the affected communities.
GSA work with communities in urban and rural areas, isolated villages, IDP’s camps, disaster sites, and frontline hospitals by provide access to safe drinking water and improve the sanitation and hygiene of community members. This initiative included drilling safe water points, appointing a water user committee to maintain the water point, and training members on basic health practices that still impact communities today. According to UNICEF figures, infant mortality in Somalia is amongst the highest in the world, barely 30% of the population has access to clean water and only 13% of boys and 7% of girls attend school, making projects such as WASH essential for many communities.

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